Find Psychologist License Requirements in Your State

Each state licenses psychologists that work directly with patients, administer any type of test or provide therapy to a patient. Psychologists who work as consultants or in an indirect role may also be licensed in some states. For this reason it is critical to understand the Psychologist license requirements in the state you wish to practice.

State licensing boards provide specific information for those seeking Psychologist licensure, however, the information can be time consuming to navigate, especially if you are looking for something specific like clinical hour requirements or application forms. has refined and simplified the way you find the requirements. Your time is valuable and the navigation to Psychologist license requirements on this site has been designed to be more efficient.

Licensing Psychologists assures only those with the appropriate academic preparation and experience are providing treatment to patients. Through licensure of Psychologists both patient and Psychologist gain a level of safety and confidence.

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